Call it my sappy romantic side, but I adore vow renewals, and yesterday we were fortunate enough to be part of one, when we delivered the cake for our clients Peggy and Bob. While we've made cakes for other vow renewals, we were reminded just how romantic love over the years can be, when two people say I do again and again. If renewing one's vows once in the course of a marriage is romantic, imagine creating a tradition and doing it again five years later, which is exactly what Peggy and Bob did. Five years ago, they celebrated 25 years together, and though we did not do the cake as we were still living in L.A. then, we were honored to be part of their 30th anniversary/vow renewal ceremony. To help celebrate the special day, Peggy and Bob chose Rick's signature All Bamboo cake in our Hawaii Five-O flavor.
I recall in one of our emails that Peggy said she had gone to Barnes and Noble and purchased nearly every wedding magazine out there and couldn't find anything on vow renewals. She asked if what she was doing was strange. Not at all! After further research she sent me a website that she found that I'd like to share with other couples planning to take the big step once again. It's called I Do Take Two.
Vow renewals are romantic in the classic sense because they remind couples that many years later, after everything they've been through, that they would still say I do if given the opportunity. Rick and I were married in 2004 and plan to have at least one vow renewal ceremony in our future, maybe at the ten year mark. It doesn't need to be extravagant or large, it could be just the two of us on a beach somewhere, with hopefully a little cake to celebrate.
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