Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ipo and Gary - "The Kiss", part Un - The Cake

photo courtesy of Christen Vidanovic for Susanne Pridoehl Photography

Ipo and Gary were married on May 10, 2008 at a lovely home in Ka’a’awa, on the Windward side of Oahu. When we met with the couple initially, they expressed how important art was to them and how they wanted to have Auguste Rodin’s “The Kiss” (Le Baiser) sculpted for their wedding cake. We knew it would be a tremendous feat to make “The Kiss” but Rick embraced the challenge to make one of the most difficult and recognizable sculptures out there.

To bring a Hawaiian element to the cake, handcrafted plumeria flowers were added both at the base of the cake and in the woman's hair.

For the cake filling, there was two ways it could be done -- we could either fill the cake with buttercream which can be easier to work with but something we choose not to do for our cakes -- or to fill the cake with the couple’s chosen flavor, “Local Kine Special” and what Rick opted to do for Ipo and Gary. He didn’t want to sacrifice any of the flavor for the sake of the look of the cake.

Our “Local Kine Special” flavor is coconut cake with sweet taro cream filling. Taro is a nutritious starch commonly used in Hawaii and is found in poi, a Hawaiian staple food.

According to Rick, Rodin’s “The Kiss” sculpted, was one of the most difficult cakes he has ever had to make. We are thankful to Ipo and Gary for the opportunity.

See this and many other new photos on cakelava.com soon!

and tomorrow, a selection of Ipo and Gary’s wedding photos artfully captured by Christen Vidanovic...

1 comment:

  1. freak! again, said with the most amount of love as possible. :) that cake is amazing!
