Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Libidinous Side of Cakes

Yesterday our STAR WARS R2-D2 cake on was profiled as the Great White Snark’s “Geeky Curiosity of the Week.” We’re huge fans of this blog and its snarky commentary. See our previous post “All Hail the Great White Snark.” I quite enjoy roaming outside of cakeland and into The Great White Snark’s geekworld on a regular basis and highly recommend you do the same. On a recent visit I happened to find out “The Top Five Girliest Vampire Movies”. Who doesn’t want to know that? I know I do! I instantly felt more informed, and was humored in the process. Keeps things, y’know, balanced.

We’ve been profiled before by The Great White Snark, (Snark, not Shark) when he wrote about our Star Wars cupcakes with sculpted Death Star top tier cake, but this time it was different. Little did we know that our innocent droid cake would evoke such a lascivious response from someone, but hey, we’re not complaining either. For a couple of cake geeks, it’s the ultimate compliment, really. I’m proud to say this wasn’t the first time that our cakes have taken someone’s thoughts right into the gutter and it won’t be the last. One of our brides called our “Hawaii Five-0” flavor “Sex cake” after she tasted it, and it came as no surprise when the couple ordered all their wedding cake tiers in that flavor. Who says cakes can’t get no satisfaction! Someone will be having a very enjoyable wedding night.

As I write this, Rick has begun work on a sculpted Porsche Carrera birthday cake, and for some men, it doesn’t get any more libidinous than that.

1 comment:

  1. I love that cake! What great detail, I'm sure a lot of time was put into it.
