Monday, August 18, 2008


This weekend we got to do some pretty extravagant wedding cakes and a couple fun sculpted cakes, all of which will be posted on in the near future. The sculpted Patron Silver bottle above was made for our client Nakia, who was throwing her husband his own baby shower. She had already had a couple given in her honor and didn't want him to feel left out. We thought this gesture was very sweet. Making a sculpted Patron Sliver bottle cake isn't the easiest task because the bottle and contents are clear. When a very pregnant Nakia and her friend came to pick up the cake at our studio they were extremely happy and excited to surprise her husband with his Hot Fudge Sundae flavored sculpted Patron Silver bottle.


  1. Your cakes are beaufiful! Almost makes me want to get married so I can have a pretty cake. Almost. :)
