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It's the day before 8-8-08 and we're slammed with orders this week and thought it would be appropriate to focus on beer cakes, since we'll no doubt be needing some after this week is over. Hawaii is synonymous with many things -- beautiful sunsets, beaches, high prices, and Heineken! When we moved to Hawaii from L.A. we noticed the Heineken logo everywhere. Every local style party serves Heineken. You can't drive down the street and not see at least one red and white Heinken star decal on someone's vehicle. Bud may be the King of Beers on the mainland, but not here in Heinekenland where three of the best selling beers are Heineken, Heineken Light and the Heineken Keg. Don't even ask what a 6-pack of Heineken costs in Hawaii. Trust me, you don't want to know.
We weren't surprised when we got our first sculpted Heineken bottle shortly after opening cakelava. Our first Heineken bottle is shown in the bottom photo [omitted]. It was made for Shane's birthday. Coincidentally, our second (or was it third?) Heineken bottle (not shown) was also made for a man named Shane. Another Heineken bottle (first photo - omitted) was made for a 1st birthday party. The cake was ordered for the father to enjoy with his male friends and the writing says "It's all about the Baby!" Earlier this year we made a sculpted Heineken bottle with a military beret on the side for a groom. Like all our Heineken cakes, Rick handpaints the labels, which takes a very steady hand and a whole lot of patience. We also make the non-sculpted Heineken themed cakes (see above), which are also a lot of fun to make. I don't recall all the flavors for the cakes above, but my guess is something like Heineken-Five-0.
...this is a good brew, I say. Isn't it silly how Heineken is simply the unofficial beer of the islands. Lolo Locals;) Nah, I'm a local, and I enjoy a heiny every once in a while. Once again, you put out a very pleasant presentation of a great product. Yellow Cake, Red Velvet Cake, Green Bottle Cake. Hey why not, heh?