Back in 2004, when Rick was still working at Cake Divas and we were living in Santa Monica, we started watching the show LOST. Apart from it looking like a really cool show with a sci-fi edge, we couldn't resist any show that was filmed in Hawaii because we had plans to move here, open cakelava, etcetera. For the same reason, that it was filmed in Hawaii, Rick also began watching Dog the Bounty Hunter when I was working nights cooking. We also tuned into the now-defunct North Shore (I know, I know...), some other cop show filmed in Hawaii (the name completely escapes us... anyone??) and even The Travel Channel, anything to get a glimpse of Hawaii. After living on the west coast for 15 years, I was anxious to get back to Hawaii and Rick was also excited to move here.
After we moved here, and we were surrounded by what we had previously been seeing on TV, we pretty much eliminated all the Hawaii shows we were watching, with the exception of LOST and occasional episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter. LOST is a great show! We have faithfully watched LOST since the beginning, riding the rollercoaster of twisting plots and questions left unanswered. If we had to miss it due to social plans or an event, that's what our TiVo was for. I know there are many groups of hardcore LOST fans out there called "Losties" and we're either too busy or too-something to consider ourselves "Losties", but we do really enjoy the show.
If you live in Hawaii, or as they say here "Lucky you live Hawaii", "Lostie" or not, you are bound to run into LOST, whether it is a cast member sightining or during filming. Between Rick and I, we've seen or met the majority of the cast in person. It was really only a matter of time before we started doing cakes for them. We've made a few so far, the most recent being for Mr. and Mrs. Josh Holloway (that's Sawyer, by the way) for their friend's birthday. Since their friend is also a cast member, we are not posting the cake publicly, but they did give us a very nice Thank You letter, which we can post. In person Josh Holloway is just as handsome as you'd expect him to be and he and his wife Yessica are extremely gracious people. We want to thank them for thinking of us for their friend's birthday!
We ordered a cake from Rick and Sasha for one of our great friend's belated birthday party. Because everything was last minute, they promised us a 'surprise design'. When they came to deliver the cake; we were completely speechless. It was the most beautiful and classy cake design ever. Later in the evening, everyone was even more pleasantly surprised by the fact that something so beautiful and intricate could taste so good. CakeLava ROCKS.
-- Yessica & Josh Holloway
So jealous. Truly.