Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! -- and Last Day to Vote!

photos courtesy of On 3 Photography

Happy Halloween everyone! We're going the unconventional route for Halloween and rather than feature one of our Halloween themed cakes, I chose a wedding cake incorporating the color orange we made this month for our couple Holly and Paul. Holly and Paul flew in from Manhattan to have their tropical inspired wedding at one of the lushest, most tropical locations on the island, Moli'i Gardens on the Windward side of Oahu. You can probably tell from their cake that they had a Bird of Paradise motif at their wedding with dominant orange and green tones, but what made this wedding more unsual is that Holly and Paul, who are huge baseball fans wanted to incorporate their love of baseball and specifically their teams, NY Mets and the SF Giants into the wedding. We made custom handcrafted figures of Holly and Paul and as requested, put them in an outfit suitable for a baseball game -- jeans and t-shirt for Paul and jeans and an orange tank top for Holly. When we delivered their cake, we noticed the linen was blue (Mets, perhaps?) They chose a flavor that would be as striking on the inside as the cake was on the outside, our signature, Rainbowlicious flavor, and Strawberries Chantilly for the top tier. Holly and Paul's wedding was another gorgeous event designed by the team at Weddings by Grace & Mona . As we were leaving, we noticed vehicle after vehicle pulling into the location next door, and was told that LOST was there filming. As stated before on the blog, Rick and I are huge fans of LOST (can't wait for the new season!) and this made our already happy day even better.

Holly and Paul's wedding cake will be up on soon, along with many other new cakes done in the past month.

** This is it. Last day to vote, folks. You decide our December Featured Wedding couple and so far it's looking like Leslie and Sam, Couple #4 will have their wedding featured on Please vote by adding the number and name of the couple you would like to be Featured in the Comments section. If you are reading this via a subscriber such as Google reader, you'll need to visit the blog directly to vote. The nominees are:

#1: Renata and Rocky
#2: Jennifer and Andy
#3: Karla and Jason
#4: Leslie and Sam
#5: Reiko and Jason

To cast your vote, and "meet" our couples, visit this link:

Thank you to everyone who has participated by voting.

Happy Halloween!

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