Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ah Love. Isn't it Grand!

Ah Love. Isn't it Grand! Another Valentine's Day weekend is approaching and the cycle of love begins again. Countless couples will get engaged, and engaged couples will get married (we have several), and those of us already married will celebrate our love, just as we do everyday. As people who make their living designing for those celebrating love, be it a couple in love or the love of a parent and child or a friend, without the celebration of love, we wouldn't have a business.

In honor of LOVE and Valentine's Day, we have put together a showcase of some of our couples with their cake as they celebrate their love. A number of these photos can be found in our Ohana section on It makes us feel happy and romantic just looking at them!

1 comment:

  1. I still love my wedding cake - I could look at it all day!
