Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Happy Day on the Farm

Just as promised, here is another cake made over the weekend, this one completely different than the wonky style candy cake. Like the candy cake, it was a labor intensive design, sculpting the red barn and silo and handcrafting all the farm animals was no small task, but I thought Rick did a great job on it. Our client had a super cute farm animals theme for her baby's 1st birthday party which took place at a hotel in Waikiki. I wanted to include some photos taken of the decor because our client obviously put some thought into them. The centerpieces were porcelain farm animals that she placed in a pen with raffia in it. The guest favors were red candy apples from a local company called Swirl -- yummy! The stage area was lined with farm animal balloons and there were red and white balloons on the tables. They even had a Master Hyptonist at the party, Steve Williams who apparently does not just birthdays but corporate events, grad parties and other occasions. It was a fun party to be a part of and we hope our little birthday girl loved her cake. For us, it was another happy day on the farm -- yeehaw!

'til next time, Aloha!

See our sculpted barn cake and many more sculpted cakes on cakelava.com.

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