Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When tokidoki visits the Sushi Bar

When we said earlier we couldn't have dreamed up a more diverse selection of cakes last weekend, we weren't kidding. For Leah's 8th birthday cake Rick incorporated two of her favorite things -- tokidoki and sushi. We put her favorite tokidoki, Tsuru, in a prominent position on the cake and surrounded her with her BFF's where she could rock and roll all night (and party every day). Leah's mother informed us her daughter's favorite food is sushi and she particularly loves to go to a local place here that serves the sushi on a conveyor belt. Rick set forth to give Leah a cake beyond hers and any tokidoki fans wildest dreams, and handcrafted each tokidoki and piece of sushi on the cake. He cleverly created a conveyor belt at the base of the cake and placed some sushi's and tokidiokis on it. So cute! Not wanting to leave anyone out of this party, Rick added little faces to the sushi which I thought was completely adorable. We fell completely head over heels for this cake and luckily so did Leah's mother and another little girl when they came to pick it up. Talk about a reaction. They almost went into shock when they saw it and I wasn't sure they were going to leave. They were afraid to have anyone cut into it. Having now made 3 custom tokidoki cakes, we're starting to get to know our tokidoki friends better each time and have developed a fondness for the little guys. At this point if you are scratching your head saying "toki-what-ee?", we advise you to check out our previous posts: Fun with tokidoki and Cute, cute, Oh So Cute! The Girly Pink tokidoki Cake.

Want more? See our selection of tokidoki cakes on

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