Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome To the Jungle!

We had planned to share our jungle safari themed birthday cake today, and then remembered it was Earth Day -- why not show happy looking animals communing with nature! Rick was given carte blanche on the jungle cake design and the end result was one of abundance. Lots of animals in a lush jungle scene. It was full of life and so delicious! The client selected our Peanut Butter Fudgey and Bananarama flavors for her son's special cake. The cake was very well received. When we walked up to the event carrying the cake, there was a camera snapping our picture and the guests started clapping. The applause was pretty nice, we gotta admit. We were smiling and blushing at the same time. The guests cleared the way long enough for us to place the cake down on the table and then surrounded the cake. Most said they had never seen anything like it before, followed by the inevitable "Ace of Cakes" comparison, which we hear frequently, and is often followed by "you even look a little like him" because Rick has a shaved head and a goatee, which he's had for over a decade. Rick is 6' tall and quite thin and as his wife, I find these comparisons amusing. Though not as amusing as his recent comparison to "Deal or no Deal" Howie Mandell, who also has a shaved head and a goatee.

See our portfolio of colorful birthday cakes on


  1. Mother natures magic al la Cakelava, utterly amazing!!

  2. I attempted to replicate this cake, but in no way did it justice. Pics on my blog. Love your cakes!

  3. We're glad you were inspired by the design. Thanks so much for the kind words!

  4. May i ask....what are the animals made of?? hey are super cute, and I like the almost 3d thing they have going on!! =)
