We wanted to share with you a beautiful new online wedding resource site we were invited to be part of called the Pacific Wedding Guide . The Pacific Wedding Guide was designed to be an all-in-one resource for brides marrying in Hawaii and New Zealand and is the brainchild of founder Tara DePonte. The site's unique approach is to offer a selection of Hawaii and New Zealand's best wedding vendors, as well as the necessary travel and accommodations information necessary for planning a destination wedding, but to do it from a local's perspective, that is to showcase hand-picked professionals, restaurants, and off-the-beaten path destinations. If you are looking for an all-in-one wedding package deal, this is definitely not the place for you. Something that was important to us when we received the invitation from Tara to be on their vendor list aside from the aesthetics of the site was who were the other vendors in her list. Were they people who we considered among the best out there, even if they might not have the biggest names (though many of them do), and the answer was "Yes!".
The first time we saw the site, what instantly drew us in was the "Hello, beautiful!" and I thought to myself, "Yes, indeed!" Tara obviously feels the way we do about Hawaii and about providing for her brides the very best she can find. It's as if she has pulled them aside privately and wants to share all she knows about the islands with them. It's a wonderful gift to have and isn't exclusively for brides, by any means. Those of you out there who are planning a trip to Hawaii or New Zealand -- which I'd love to visit one of these days, it looks amazing! -- we highly recommend you check out this site to give you insight, from a local's perspective on some of the best that Hawaii has to offer.
Shortly after we were invited to be on the site, Tara arranged to come by our studio to meet with us. In person she is very sweet and seems to have a clear vision of what she wants from the site including growing the site only to the extent that it doesn't compromise the quality of vendors and information she is providing. We also learned that not surprisingly, the Pacific Wedding Guide also has a blog, so of course we had to check that out too! It turns out that back in August, Tara had written about cakelava on her blog, which we didn't realize, and she sent us the link.
Cakes, cakes, cakes!

It was a very nice feature (thank you, Tara!) and to answer her question on the blog, the estate is absolutely AMAZING and at the very top of Lanikai and as far as I know, is not available for rental, so unfortunately she will not be able to add it to her "venues" category. However, there are many others to choose from on her list and they are indeed, some of the best!
A big Mahalo to Tara for including us in Pacific Wedding Guide. We're excited to be a part of it and wish her much success!
Another busy weekend ahead of us and we'll be sharing some of our latest cakes next week. Thank you to our new twitter followers, and those of you who have been faithfully reading our blog. Aloha, til next time!
Thank you, Rick and Sasha! I'm so glad to have businesses like you on board! You summed up exactly what Pacific Wedding Guide is all about. Sending ALOHA your way, Tara.