We have to thank our wonderful friend and super awesome photographer Dave Miyamoto of Dave Miyamoto & Company for giving us the inspiration for today's post. Upon arriving at the studio today, we received an email from Dave alerting us to a feature on today's Style Me Pretty Little Black Book blog with a very recognizable couple, our very own Carly and Matthew! The Little Black Book blog is a blog exclusively for Little Black Book members of Style Me Pretty. OK, so we can't exactly claim Carly and Matthew as our own, because they are just as much Photographer Dave Miyamoto, floral designer Debbie Hemingway and Mona Hirata's Carly and Matthew as they are ours. Carly and Matthew, two of the sweetest people around, are as good looking and fun in person as in (virtual) print. You may recall, Carly and Matthew were showcased on our blog and then later selected as one of our Featured Wedding couples on cakelava.com. They always show up to various functions we do and have consistently come to us for cakes and cupcakes for their birthdays, in fact, we get to see them again tomorrow for Matthew's birthday - whoo hoo! Happy Birthday Matt! A huge Mahalo to Dave Miyamoto and of course, Style Me Pretty, whose support, generosity and kind words about cakelava always touches us!
When you are at the Style Me Pretty Little Black Book site, scroll down to the wedding below of Karina and Nehal. That wedding was done by the coordinator who did Rick's and my wedding, the totally wonderful Stephanie Lairson -- Aloha from Hawaii Stephanie!! We miss you!

In no particular order of sweetness or beauty, we have Christie and Patton, who like Carly and Matthew were a Featured Wedding on cakelava.com and are becoming minor celebrities in their own right. The couple are currently featured as a real wedding in Your Wedding Day magazine
which is currently on shelves across the nation. Like Style Me Pretty, Your Wedding Day is a feast for the eyes, with page after page of absolutely gorgeous images. Pick it up at your nearest Barnes and Noble or Borders to read all of Christie and Patton's juicy wedding details, see the rest of their wedding, and our other features including a gorgeous photo shoot we did for the magazine. Like Carly and Matthew, we think of Christie and Patton as friends as much as clients and it tickles us to see our beautfiul couple in print! Congratulations to Christie and Patton, and thank you to VISIONARI, and (once again) Debbie Hemingway, of Designs by Hemingway, for bringing their talents to the table!

Another SWEET sweet couple beautiful inside and out is Natalie and Justin, who are currently being featured in a local magazine called Hawaii Bride & Groom. To those who have been faithfully following our blog, you may recall the couple who gave us a cooler of fish at their wedding. We will never forget Natalie and Justin as they were a super sweet couple to work with and so enthusiastic about their beautiful ivory fondant with gold "waves" wedding cake and sculpted ATV groom's cake. Coincidentally, the floral designer for all these weddings was Debbie Hemingway, and she did a wonderful job for each of them! Special thanks to photographer extraordinaire Stefanie and Anna Riedel of Absolutely Loved, for submitting this wedding to the magazine, and for giving Natalie and Justin the celebrity status they deserve.
We leave you with some press we just saw last night in our local Midweek newspaper showing us at our cupcake extravangza, otherwise known as the "I Love Kailua" town party.

Aloha, til next time!
Every cake is amazing. Thank you for sharing.