Thursday, June 4, 2009

When Hello Kitty Meets Donutella- Sweet!

We've been very thankful for all the recent and forthcoming press we've received, but in the midst of it all, numerous cakes have been designed and delivered, smiles and letters have been received and as I write this, more cakes are in the works.

Some of you may already know that Rick is a donut fiend. If we were still living in L.A. with access to a plethora of yummy donut shops, we'd be making regular stops on our way home from work. Our nearest Krispie Kreme is on the island of Maui, right near the airport, and each time we visit, stopping there is a must! We recently made a birthday cake where one of the requested characters was "Donutella", a Tokidoki who is basically Hello Kitty in a donut costume. She is quite adorable as a donut and hopefully Rick didn't salivate all over it while he was making her. Just kidding, but seriously ... this cake was super cute, and it brought together the Hello Kitty and Donutella characters our client requested and her candy and sweets theme beautifully! Every piece was sweetly handcrafted and got just as sweet a reaction from the client:

OMG!! The cake was so beautiful and AWESOME! We had so many compliments and people were asking was it all cake. BTW, the cake was so DELICIOUS and TASTY. The fondant was just the right kind of sweetness we like. the hello kitty and donutella characters on the cake were so cute!!! Thank you so much for making our daughter's party a very successful and fun occasion for our guests. Thanks again and I hope we can do other projects together.

-- Matt, Kris, Dylan, and Kaitlyn O.

and tomorrow ... a Boohbah-rific cake!

Aloha, til next time!


  1. I LOVE this cake and my daughters went crazy when they saw it. I wish I could ship it to NJ for their next birthdays!

  2. I love the cake as well! My daughter was estatic seeing the cake. I also wish you guys shipped to NJ for her birthday! Again, it looks awesome!
