Thursday, September 3, 2009

3 Times a Boynton

A couple years ago when our first (Sandra) "Boynton" cake order came in, we fell in love with the adorable characters. The fun loving party animals were perfectly suited for a birthday celebration and it made for a very cute cake. A year later we made another Boynton cake , this time the request was for a cake based on the book "Hippos Go Berserk" and we were again reminded, these guys can party! We're willing to write off the first two cakes as a mere coincidence that two people would ask for Boynton cakes, when, in the fifteen-plus years Rick has been making cakes in three different states, it wasn't until Hawaii that he made his first, second, and now third cake with the Boynton animals. His newest design is shown above and was made last weekend for Jake's birthday party. The wonderful thing about the Boynton animals apart from their being so-darn-cute, is that there are so darn many of them, and parents enjoy selecting their child's favorite. Each one we do a little differently, and it's always a surprise to the client. We adore their cute expressions and thank Sandra Boynton for giving us the creative inspiration, and our clients for sharing their child's favorite books with us!

See the other Boynton cakes, and many other children's cakes at

Til next time, Aloha!

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