Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bizarre Birthday Cakes

In the early part of Summer we were approached by AOL requesting birthday cake photos in preparation of a launch of their new site on AOL Holidays called Party Central. We're always up for a party, and sent in some photos, and were thrilled to see a number of them up there when the site went live. At the time, we had 6 of the 20 cakes in the slideshow, including the cover shot (our sushi cake!) and the feature, along with our Palmolive bottle cake, made it to the front page of AOL! You may recall that blog post: "One of those Days". Apparently the feature has done very well on AOL because we were approached again for photos, and it was back up on the AOL homepage earlier this week. Now there are over 50 cake photos up there, from a wide range of designers, including Charm City Cakes, Cake-O-Rama, Pink Cake Box, and others. cakelava has 11 cakes in the slideshow, some dating back to when we first opened. We want to send a huge shout-out to our friend Annie Welch who owns Cake-O-Rama. Annie is one awesome cake sculptor/designer and all around fabulous gal! Annie and Rick used to make cakes together in Washington state, and we have the utmost respect for her and her work. If you haven't seen the Bizarre Birthday Cakes feature, check it out. Fun Stuff!

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