Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Micah's Little Red Toy Car Cake

If you have children or are around them with any frequency, you probably recognize this little red car. Our next door neighbor's child has one and she has a great time riding it. When our client called requesting this cake to be made for her son Micah's birthday, she told us that he LOVES riding in his little car and thought it would be a great surprise for him to have one made in cake. Rick sculpted the little car, made entirely in our Banana Nutella cake, and put a "1" on the hood and the name "MICAH" on the license plate. Our client, her son and his guests all adored the cake, and she told us after in her thank you note that, not suprisingly, they all wanted to ride in the car. The ultimate compliment!

she wrote:

Yeah ...the cake was pretty much the centerpiece of the party. My son even thought he could ride in it which was pretty funny. Actually all the kids wanted to ride in it but then they realized it was a cake.

Aloha, 'til next time!

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