Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A MidWeek Treat that's Twice as Nice

Yesterday afternoon, after another hectic day at work, Rick and I opened up our mailbox at home and saw to our delight, the current issue of MidWeek, featuring cakelava in two different articles! MidWeek is a newspaper that gets mailed every Wednesday (some households receive theirs starting as early as Monday) to all the homes on Oahu. It has an incredible circulation and is a well respected publication here that has been around for years. Excitedly, and with a new adrenaline rush, we flipped to Page 6, to find our article, "Let Them Eat (Really Fancy) Cake" by Sarah Pacheco. Our eyes and bodies were tired but boy did we perk up when we read this article. It was one of our favorite press articles yet and definitely captured the spirit of what cakelava is all about. Rick and I had a recent interview with Sarah and a photo shoot with her photographer Leah Ball and answered a lot of questions both about our business and Rick's experience with Food Network Challenge. It was fun to interview with Sarah, who loves to bake and had a particular interest in this article.

Jo McGarry's "Table Talk" column in the Food Section of MidWeek also had an article featuring cakelava. The focus of this feature was the celebration of the four Hawaii businesses being showcased on Food Network on April 4th and 5th. In what was quite a delicious coincidence, our Food Network Challenge: SpongeBob Birthday Cakes, premieres April 4th and the very next day three other Hawaii-based businesses will be shown on "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives." We'll be watching both for sure! Rick had previously done a radio interview with Jo McGarry for her "Table Talk" show, which hasn't yet been posted as a podcast on Jo's site, Wine and Dine Hawaii, but as soon as its available, we will post it.

The MidWeek features were very special to us because they were one of the first local publications to write about cakelava after we opened in 2005. Linda Dela Cruz who has a column called "Entrepreneurs" wrote about cakelava in August 2005, only 5 months after we opened and we have a framed copy of it on the wall of our studio. To have MidWeek approach us for another article at this stage in our career made us extremely happy!

Aloha, 'til next time!


  1. I've got my VCR all set for the cake challenge tomorrow! I'm so excited for you... I don't want to miss a minute of it!

  2. I've got my VCR all set up to for tomorrow night's cake challenge. I so excited for you. I don't want to miss a minute of it!

  3. Just saw the episode! Congratulations to Rick for doing so well!
