Friday, June 25, 2010

iPhone Wedding Cake

It was merely a coincidence that just days before the release of the new iPhone we would be making a wedding cake in the same theme. Our couple got married last weekend and had two cakes, an elegant fondant wedding cake with handcrafted flowers and an iPhone cake. Technically, the iPhone cake was not a groom's cake, in fact it was ordered by the groom as a surprise for his fiancee, in other words, two brides cakes. This probably put the groom in a great position to have just about whatever he wanted on the honeymoon.

This iPhone cake was different than most because the groom didn't want the apps and icons buttons on the screen. He requested to have the "Messages" screen showing and an exchange of text between him and his fiancee. There was no room for "LOL" texts in this scenario, he preferred for them to whisper, no text, sweet nothings back and forth and provided the sentiments he wanted written. Rick hand painted the screen and their texts, which both consisted of "Baby I'm the luckiest (guy/girl) in the world" and "I love you my sweet (name)" followed by a smilie or a <3 love heart. At the top of the screen he wrote their name, "The Bryants". Congratulations to the Bryants! :)

Aloha, 'til next time!


  1. So cute! Now I'm sad that the iPhone had not yet been released when I got married.

  2. Thanks, Jen! There's always a vow renewal iPhone cake :)

  3. Another awesome creation! Excellent piping!!

  4. Now this is really nice. Coincidentally I too made an iPhone Cake over last weekend.
