Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sun Conure Bird Birthday Cake

Every now and then we have the opportunity to make a cake for someone celebrating a truly significant birthday. All birthdays are significant of course, but when you reach the elite 90 years old and above club as our client's mother has, they deserve to have whatever cake they want. Our client called us with a very specific request for her mother's 90th birthday. She wanted a sculpted Sun Conure bird that looked exactly like her pet "Chiqui". After deliberating whether to go with a cake in the shape of her African Grey Parrot or the Sun Conure, she opted for the more colorful choice and Rick had another nice little challenge ahead of him.

After years of making people's pets out of cake, we know how important it is to get every possible detail right because it isn't just a bird cake, this is somebody's beloved pet, another member of their family, with distinctive markings and expressions, all of which must be conveyed in cake.
Our client brought a photo album to our studio to share with us pictures of "Chiqui", selecting certain poses that she thought looked "more like Chiqui" than others. Having never met Chiqui, Rick had the task of taking photos of the bird and transforming it into a 3-dimensional cake sculpture and capturing the many nuances of this particular bird. As you can see, the Sun Conure is FULL of color and when I came to visit the bird as a work in progress, our kitchen resembled a gorgeous, psychedelic color explosion in Rick's working area. When the cake was completed I had to hold my hand back on many occasions and resist the urge to pet it.

We both thought the cake was super cute but what was even cuter was seeing the expression of a 90-year old woman adoring her cake. She recognized her bird immediately as did many of the guests. Our client said it looked exactly like "Chiqui" and couldn't be happier. We left feeling good and maybe a little sad we had to leave this cute birdie behind. Happy 90th Birthday to "Granny"!

Aloha 'til next time!


  1. WOW! Amazing detail & gorgeous work. Those colors are outstanding. I'm sure "Granny" will remember this milestone birthday with a lot of joy in her heart :)

  2. Fantastic job Rick! I love the colors and such joy you brought to her! How sweet.
