Monday, July 26, 2010

O Canada! Second Class offered with Rick Reichart at Icing Inspirations

Image courtesy of Rachel Robertson Photography

About a week ago we announced we would be making a big announcement soon. On Monday, June 28th, Rick's first class "Discover Your Inner Artist" at Icing Inspirations in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada was announced. On Friday, July 2nd, just four days later, we received notice from Icing Inspirations that his class sold out and a wait list had been started because more people were interested. Before long we were discussing options with Icing Inspirations for a second class and shortly after the decision was made to extend our visit to Canada, which was completely fine with us!

We are super excited to announce Rick's SECOND "Discover Your Inner Artist" class is now available for registration through Icing Inspirations!

Dates: March 15th (Tuesday) , 16th (Wednesday) and 17th (Thursday) 2011
Time: 9am - 5pm
Location: Icing Inspirations - Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA
Registration and class information here.

As in the first class on March 10th, 11, and 12th, 2011, Rick will be teaching students his hibiscus bamboo cake, a cakelava signature design, and a sculpted clownfish in coral composition. What he hopes to accomplish in the class is to have students become more in touch with their "inner artist" and will be demonstrating painting, sculpting, airbrushing, and freehand art techniques without the use of stencils, molds or special cutters. For more information on the class and registration, please contact Icing Inspirations directly.

Rick has made himself available for both a weekend class (March 10th, 11th, 12th, 2011 - SOLD OUT) and now a mid-week class, which will hopefully work for those of you unable to attend the first class due to weekend scheduling conflicts. As with the first class, Rick is accepting a maximum of 15 students, and booking is first come, first served. For those of you travelling to attend the class, please contact Icing Inspirations at for information on accommodations or any questions about the class.

We hope to see you there!!

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