Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Your Wedding Day (YWD) Magazine - From Their Lips to Your Ears

Last night after delivering our Australian couple's wedding cake in Waikiki, we headed over to Barnes & Noble and grabbed one of the last remaining copies of Your Wedding Day (YWD) Magazine, Spring/Summer 2010. We were thrilled to have found it because we've been checking ever since the magazine was released and they haven't had it in stock. Rick was approached by Your Wedding Day Magazine a while back and asked if he would contribute to an article called "From their lips to your ears: tips from the top pros". He gladly obliged, it's Your Wedding Day afterall, and one of the most gorgeous wedding magazines around. We were honored to participate! We had not seen the article which is several pages long, until last night and honestly, the cover was so completely mesmorizing when I first saw it, I had difficulty opening the magazine. For a moment I had forgotten we were on a mission to see the article. As is typical with YWD I had to absorb each page before turning the next and when we did get to page 77 where Rick is shown with his cakes and his quote, (see photo below) we were truly excited to see the company we were in. Celebrity event designer Mindy Weiss, photographer Elizabeth Messina, Youngsong of Wildflower Linen, Linnae of Asiel Design, Linda from New York Food Company, to name just a few of the well-known industry vendors. Many were vendors Rick had worked with before in L.A. and he was proud to be one of the 3 cake designers in the article. The layout of the article was just beautiful!

Rick is shown with his cakes in the lower right corner of the photo above

We also wanted to give a shout-out to Joan Spitler and Leigh Grode of Cake Divas of Los Angeles who had numerous exquisite cakes in this issue. Rick and Joan used to work together in L.A. and we are very proud of all their accomplishments!

Join us tomorrow for Pt. 1 of my interview with Sophie LaMontagne and Katherine Kallinis of Georgetown Cupcake! Learn from these two sisters the secrets of their hugely successful D.C. cupcakery and all about their new show premiering Friday on TLC, "DC Cupcakes"!


  1. That is Super! Great way to be recognized Rick!

  2. @BellaLovesPink Thank you! We love the new layout too! Kim ~Kay Kay, it meant a lot to us to be included with some of the industry's best wedding vendors, people who we've worked before and have great respect for! YWD is fabulous and they have great taste ;)
