Monday, September 13, 2010

Honoring Haley the Brave

In the past few weeks something quite magical has happened over at cakelava. We have been blessed with the opportunity on several occasions to to help a very special child celebrate their birthday. Each of the children have unique medical circumstances in their lives that they have been dealing with, but something they all share is that they or a loved one, has been affected by Cancer.

One of our sweet recipients of a beautiful cake was Haley (shown below), who was given a party to celebrate the end of more than a year of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for an aggressive brain tumor. Haley's story touched our heart when our client Judy contacted us. We were nearly booked with events on the weekend of the party but we knew we had to make this happen for her. Once we started discussing the cake with Judy, and heard more about her story and saw a photo of "Haley the Brave" the 6-year old captured both of our hearts. After feeling tremendously sad that any person, much less a 6-year old should have to deal with such an experience, I looked at her sweet smile and we were determined to give her a cake that would make her grin from ear to ear on her special day!

We quickly learned that Haley loved cats and dogs, and flowers. The cake would be cheerful with playful dogs and cats and full of color, and include "Lovey" her pet Labradoodle who would be given a prominent position on the cake. Rick handcrafted little dogs and cats and placed them hanging all over the cake, looking like they were intoxicated with happiness.

When Judy saw the cake her eyes lit up. She said that Haley is going to LOVE the cake and would instantly recognize "Lovey" her dog. We were later told that the cake was a huge hit with Haley, her family and guests of the party. The kids went crazy for the little critters and the accompanying "balls" on the cake. Haley found a hidden hyena on the cake that made her laugh and laugh, she thought all the animals were so cute. She gave special attention to Lovey and took him off to save him for the future.

We're reminded daily through words and big smiles why we do what we do. We are honored to be able to make even a small difference in the life of a little girl who has been through so much. Thank you to Haley and Judy, for giving us the opportunity!

photo of Haley courtesy of Judy


  1. Sasha and Rick,not only the cake is beautiful but it is wonderful that you are using your talent to bring a little girl like Haley a smile on her face.
    God bless you for that.

  2. Thank you! Kathia, we are honored to be able to help her celebrate. She's a brave little girl whose story and face melted our hearts.

  3. Very rarely do we get to give back to those who touch our hearts. They say we aren't able to see ANGELS among us...I just want to know how you both hide your wings!

  4. God bless you for such a BIG HEART!!

  5. We appreciate your comments very much. We would like to acknowledge our client Judy Barrett who gifted Haley with a cake for her party and hired us to make it. Haley is lucky to have a guardian angel like Judy looking out for her!
