Friday, September 3, 2010

A Pug, A Shiba Inu and A Pair of Air Jordans

Shortly after our plane hit the runway at Honolulu International Airport after an 8 day trip to Florida, we went from vacation mode to work mode and immediately started thinking about the doggies and shoes cake. Hours after we entered our shop on our first day back at work, our bride Lauren, whose wedding was last weekend, came bearing a gift, a pair of brand new very collectable retro styling Nike Air Jordan XI Concord sneakers for Rick to use as a model for her wedding cake. It wasn't exactly a "wedding cake" as we might think of one, there were no tiers to stack, no flowers, and it was completely a surprise to the groom, who thought he was having a black and white cake with roses. Boy was he in for a surprise!

Lauren called this a "groom's cake", but we thought of it more as a wedding cake because it represented both the bride and groom's lives. Barnaby is a sneaker fanatic and Lauren adores her dogs, a Shiba Inu and a Pug. Rick spent the better part of his birthday last week working on this cake, as it was comprised of four separate sculpted cakes that were married together on a single board. It was gigantic, or as he likes to say, ginormous and Rick had to nearly clear his plate to make this cake on our first weekend back to work. This is not the kind of cake to just ease into after being away. It took a lot of planning and measuring and cake and time -- about 18 hours of working on it! All four sculpted pieces are cake, no cereal treats were used. Lauren's dogs are absolutely adorable and we fell in love with them over the days they took over our kitchen. She explained to us that the pug was the playful, mischievous one and wanted him to interact with the sneakers and the Shiba Inu is a very sweet dog and wanted their personalities to be conveyed. When we arrived on site with her cake, there was a swarm of staff from the hotel, including the Pastry Chef who came over to check out the cake. Suddenly everyone pulled out their cell phones and started snapping photos of the cake, including us. It had its own paparazzi. We were thrilled with how the cake turned out and so were the bride and groom, who tells us even the doggies vet, who attended the wedding instantly recognized her pets. We'd like to say a special thank you to Lauren and Barnaby who shared their photos with us. Enjoy!

The playful little pug gnawing on the lace of a sneaker collector's prized possession

The sweet Shiba Inu patiently waits to be delivered

Having way too much fun at their wedding! Unsure where they should make the first cut, Lauren and Barnaby go for the pug's backside.

If the shoe fits, compare it!

Wine tasting and shoe smelling. Delicate notes of leather and sugar

They boxed up their doggie to take home. Family portrait with the newlyweds!

Rick posing with his cake


  1. Love love love love this cake! That Shiba Inu is ADORABLE! Great work guys! :)

  2. Unbelievable! The amount of work, detail and it turned out perfectly.
