Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Discover Your Inner Artist" 2012 Class at Exotic Fantastic Cake Decorating School, London, UK!

cake image courtesy of Rachel Robertson Photography

It has truly been one Fantastic week and we are chuffed to bits! On Tuesday we announced that Rick would be teaching his very popular "Discover Your Inner Artist" class in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 2012 at the brand new Mother of Cakes Sugar and Cake Academy, and within days we have another location for the class, this time crossing the pond into London, England at Exotic Fantastic Cake Decorating School!  It's coincidence that both classes were announced this week and it added much excitment to an already busy work week!

Our passports are getting a work out in 2012! First Canada in June to premiere "Discover Your Inner Artist 2" then over to London, England, right around the time of the Summer Olympics, then on to Pennsylvania.  It's thousands of miles each time and an unmeasurable number of opportunities to experience another place!

Now onto the details for the London class!  The dates will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 16th, 17th and 18th, 2012 at Exotic Fantastic Cake Decorating School in North East London. Yes, 2012, not 2011.  We will be staying put this year while we work on our book and client cakes. Rick will be teaching his signature hibiscus with bamboo and sculpted clownfish cakes shown above which he premiered in Canada in March 2011 in two classes.  The first Canada class sold out in 48 hours and the second one also sold quickly. Rick was promptly booked to return next June. In his "Discover Your Inner Artist" class, students will learn Rick's highly sought after art methods including sculpting, hand painting, airbrushing and other freehand art techniques without the use of molds, cutters or stencils. By the end of the class students will have learned how to tap into their inner artist and have two beautiful completed cakes.

We welcome students from all over Europe and beyond to take the course.  Exotic Fantastic Cake Decorating School is handling all registration and any travel related questions you may have in relation to the course.  Installment payments are an option. Our host has been awesome to work with and she is very excited to sponsor Rick as her first "celebrity" cake artist from the United States and we couldn't be happier!

To register, please follow this link on the Exotic Fantastic Cake Decorating School site. The class is already starting to fill up so book your spot today!  See you in London 2012!

In case you missed our links to class reviews posted by previous "Discover Your Inner Artist" (Canada 2011) students, we have included them again for your enjoyment!  Thanks once again to our awesome students for sharing your experiences with us and others wanting to take the course!

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