Monday, July 25, 2011

Sculpted Castle Cake
Last fall our client Laura began planning her amazing gift to present at her High School Reunion to Castle High School, in honor of their 50th Birthday in 2011. When she called us to discuss the cake design, she was very excited to hire Rick to make her a sculpted castle cake with a knight on a horse which is Castle High School's mascot. The school colors of maroon, white and gold would be included in the design as well as a "50" in honor of their milestone birthday celebration. Ever since the order was placed, we knew that Rick would have to set aside a significant amount of time to make the custom knight on a horse as well as sculpting the castle.
Rick sculpted the castle out of cake and every part of it was edible, including the handcrafted knight on the horse. The only part wasn't edible was the structure needed for the figure.  To give an idea of scale of the cake, the custom knight on horse figure stood 15" tall. Adding the knight on the horse really added to the "WOW" factor of the design and after spending a couple of days working on the figure, it was all worth it when it was finished. The horse looked so realistic I wanted to reach out and pet it and the detail on the knight was incredible! We were extremely happy with the whole composition.  When we met Laura at the hotel where the reunion took place, she had such a strong emotional reaction to the piece that her eyes began welling up with tears. It was more than she had expected and was so proud to present her gift to her class and to her school. Seeing how happy she was made us feel even more proud of the piece and knew it went to the right home! Happy 50th Birthday to Castle High School, and thank you so much to our client Laura for her wonderful gift!


  1. I want to pet this horse and actually kiss the knight. Incredible work of art and details, I really can't imagine the hours Rick spend sculpting the cake and working in the horse and knight.

  2. Thanks, Kathia! The horse was amazingly lifelike, I too wanted to pet it. Rick spent a couple of days just on the figures and more to sculpt the castle. It was quite the project!

  3. This is possibly the best castle cake I've ever seen! Your modelling is fabulous - there's so much skill involved in making it all balance & you've done an amazing job.

  4. Amazing castle cake and the figures are truly outstanding.
