This cake was so much fun! It was designed for a Rockabilly themed birthday party for a bunch of hipsters. Flames were not included but this lil' devil brought enough heat of his own.

"Jer" also loved Rockabilly and happened to be a firefighter.
Done in all black fondant, the cake sits on a base resembling a vinyl record.

The Pyrodemon cake was designed around a Circus Oz themed birthday party when the troupe was in town.

A fire-fighting themed birthday cake is most appropriate when both your parents are firefighters.

This couple went completely unconventional with their wedding and groom's cake (sculpted Naval Seal frog on our website) Using their colors of red, black and silver, Rick designed a funky cake in flames with the couple riding off into the sunset on the two lane blacktop below.

Joe rides a Harley and his license plate reads EZRYDA. Done in a style similar to Jer's black fondant cake, this cake made sure Joe's 61st "Birfday" was one to remember.

See most of these cakes and many more at our website. Aloha!
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