I don't know how many times I've been talking to a client with a 2009 event and accidentally write 2008. I need to repeat the mantra, "2009 ... 2009 ... 2009" and maybe it will start to sink in. 2009 will be a fantastic year, but I have to admit, I'm still nostalgic for all the fun we had making cakes in 2008, and all the new people who came into our lives. I know, we just need to let go and move forward, embracing new adventures, but technically it's still 2008, and Rick and I want to enjoy the trip down memory lane a little longer. We decided to share with you some of 2008's cakes. These are by no means the best or most memorable cakes we made this year -- there were hundreds of them -- but rather a sampling of the variety we got to make. Clicking on the link will take you to the accompanying blog post.
2 wedding cakes, 1 bride and groom ...

Maya got a little messy ...
Indian opulence and
Buddha goes bowling ...

Louis Louis.
The Reign of the Louis Vuittons ...

A whimsical wedding cake for Erica, and inspiration for
Jennifer and Mel's honu (turtle) cake ...

and who could forget
8-8-8. I know we can't ...

"underwater invertebrates" wedding cake for Ricki and Mike ...

giving the Tikis their due ...

Kendra and Jonathan transported us to elegant, old Hollywood, and became a Featured Wedding couple! ...

we learned that the PBR wasn't just
Pabst Blue Ribbon and were introduced to this lil' guy named "Little Yellow Jacket"...
2008 U.S. Marine Corps Officers' Ball ...

and we learned what a
"Tokidoki" is ...

stayed tuned for more cakes in part two tomorrow ...
Thank you for helping us make 2008 a memorable year with the most awesome cake ever. Happy 2009!