Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008! A Year of Cakes, Pt. 2

Continuing the trip down memory lane. To see Pt. 1, click here.

For Heidi and Edwin's wedding, the art got a little deco ...

Natalie and Justin, what a couple of sweethearts! Two beautiful cakes, and a cooler of fish brought from Alaska ...

We did our share of monkeying around ...

Make Star Wars cakes we will ...

The Millennium Falcon cake

and R2-D2 got to party it up with Hello Kitty ...

The hibiscus cake was created and inspired other cakes ...

Ipo and Gary's wedding brought us one of our most challenging cakes of Rick's career. Rodin's "The Kiss" ...

Candy, anyone? ...

Go.... Beavers!! ...

Makenna's cake made it really fun to turn one! ...

And of course, all those interviews! What an amazing pool of talent we got to interview this year.
Big thanks to all my interviewees!

- Jen from Cake Wrecks
- Beryl Ann Byrd of Just Fabulous Pastries
- Rebecca Sutterby of Sugar Creations
- The Great White Snark
- Joan Spitler of Cake Divas
- Elisa Strauss of Confetti Cakes

and coming in 2009, Marina Sousa of Just Cake

Click on the sidebar on the blog to read any of these interviews.

Christie and Patton's cake got us in touch with our inner animal, and they became a Featured Wedding couple ...

We visited the Pacific Aviation Museum for a Fabulous Forties party ...

We started our line of gourmet cupcakes ... Yum!

and made our first Fantasia themed cake! ...

There were so many more unforgettable cakes we fondly remember in 2008, and you can see many more on We hope you've enjoyed this visit back through 2008. With this closure, we're more prepared to move forward. 2009, here we come!

Happy New Year! or as we say here in Hawaii "Hau`oli Makahiki Hou!"

Aloha, and thank you for your support!

Sasha & Rick


  1. Wow the wedding cakes are really great! I definitely like the Hibiscus cake, looks like you wrapped a Hawaiian t-shirt around it (haha).

    Really nice job!


  2. i just found your website/blog and love it. i keep going back to the hisbiscus cake.
    if you dont mind me asking - what technique did you use to make the hisbiscus?
