Yesterday I couldn't resist the temptation to write about Amy's wedding dress cake, even if it meant leaving our regularly scheduled program of the Wild Weekend of Cakes. After a brief, but beautiful interruption, we're back and ready to share more goodies with you.
Starting with a bright and FUN Super Sweet 16 cake. Shortly before we headed to our Elegant/ tropical-meets-STAR WARS wedding, we helped Kealaka'i welcome year 16 in style. Her father called us in January for her late February party but we were already booked and had to turn him away. In early February he called again and really wanted Rick to make his daughter's cake and offered us all sorts of dates, none of which we were available unfortunately. He couldn't hide his dissapointment. He and his daughter are close and wanted her to have a very special cake. Fate must have intervened because I talked to Rick about it and after looking at the calendar which had BOOKED written over each date he wanted, Rick then said "I'll do it." Rick makes the final call on requests and it surprises me how many cakes he can take. He has a huge heart and genuinely wants to make people happy through cake, even if it means we're working 12 hours days for the week. In the end, the smiles and Thank You's are worth it! Shortly after the Sweet 16 cake was picked up, we received a call from Kealakai's father saying how much he loved the cake, followed by an ecstatic email from the birthday girl herself along with a few photos from the party. Their huge smiles reminded us why we do what we do.
Unlike the Sweet 16 cake , our PEZ-themed black and white wedding cake for Taylor and Scott had been ordered almost a year ago and we had been looking forward to it because well, it's PEZ! When we intially met with the couple they brought in their own bride/groom PEZ toppers and Rick designed a cake around this. I love the design he came up with! It was striking and elegant, and our first PEZ themed wedding cake. I'm guessing it won't be our last. Much happiness to Taylor and Scott in their new life as Mr. and Mrs. (PEZ)!

Hope you've enjoyed seeing some of these cakes. Have a wonderful weekend!
1 comment:
Ooooh! Love the sweet 16 cake! It's so fun and colorful and EXPLOSIVE! Hope you guys are doing great - I'm always always always stunned by how creative and gorgeous your cakes are! Hopefully I'll run into you sometime soon!
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