Nick must have been a very good boy this year, and I mean VERY good. The force was most certainly with Nick last weekend when his parents surprised him with a huge sculpted R2-D2 cake for his birthday. We had the opportunity to meet Nick in person when his father brought him by our booth at the "I Love Kailua" Town party (the one where we made hundreds and hundreds of cupcakes ... ). Little did he know that standing in front of him was Rick, who would make all his Star Wars cake dreams come true in a matter of days. What I would have given to see the expression on Nick's face when he received his suprise.
Lately, the force has also been with Rick, who is becoming known for his Star Wars cakes. This is his third R2-D2 cake, the first two have been featured on Great White Snark as the Geeky Cake of the Week, as has his Millennium Falcon and Star Wars Cupcakes with the Death Star top tier.

check out cakelava.com for other Star Wars cakes.
Aloha til next time, and may the force be with you!
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