The tables have turned. When we first started making the Louis Vuitton purses, it was almost always women who inquired about them. See our previous post, the "Louis Vuitton Pavlovian Response" It makes sense. Few men would dare try and select a woman's handbag or shoes if they know what is good for them. However, an interesting phenomenon has occurred and our male clients are getting braver. 8 out of 10 calls we now receive for women's purses come from the men, and they all want their Louis'. Rick recently asked "why is it always Louis? There are so many other purses out there." He was asking this because the time involved in making these purses is higher than the non-monogrammed ones. They are handpainted with precision, front and back. I explained to him that women want the Louis. Yes, they want the Prada and the Chanel and the ... , but they always want the Louis. It means something to them. They've "arrived", or maybe are closer to arriving than before they owned a Louis.
Rick was working on another Louis shortly before I started this blog. Another husband wanting to surprise his wife with her favorite purse. He is very sweet and terribly excited about presenting his wife with her special cake. The newest Louis is different than Cherry's Louis, which is shown above. Cherry's Louis was also ordered for her by a man. He let Rick choose whatever style he wanted as long as it had the monogram. This one had buckles on the side, and I loved it as much as all the others he's made.
Come back next week to see some of our newest wedding and birthday cakes.
In the meantime, check out cakelava.com or join us on twitter.
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