For the past 9 years, Rick has made me a birthday cake. It's something I get to look forward to each year, and I have to say, I feel pretty lucky to have my own private cake designer that I don't even have to book in advance. Over the weekend I turned the big 3-8! I know, probably a lot older than many of you. The same day I celebrated my birthday, Rick and I delivered a Jungle themed birthday cake to our client Kimberly, whose son as well as herself had birthdays the same week. When she and I compared our ages, we learned I was nearly a decade older than her. A word of advice, ask only people much older than you how old they are to avoid the surprising reactions. I usually get "What? You don't look that old."
I was completely enamored of my birthday cake when I first saw it at the restaurant where we dined with some friends. The "38" was unmistakable, I think even people at the far end of the restaurant could see it, and I had a good laugh about that. Was it Rick's sense of humor or a compositional decision, I'll never know for sure. Heck, if I can have a cake this pretty, I'll gladly turn 38! The photo above does not do the cake justice, but it was quite tall and had the most incredible intricate floral designs on it and layers of colors that made everyone happy. There was a group of people at a nearby table who came over and asked us who made it, and were probably a bit surprised to hear Rick say "I did." After finding out our company name, within minutes,they had pulled our website up on their phone. When the cake was cut and served we had enough leftover to give some to that same group for them to enjoy. We also gave a big slice to our server to enjoy. Between our couples day at the spa, the awesome birthday gifts, and dinner and cake with good friends, turning 38 was pretty darn great! Looking forward to the Big 3-9!
Join us next time as we reveal the answer to the burning question so many of you have been asking us. "When is the airdate?" for our Food Network Challenge and what is the topic.
Aloha, 'til next time!
How cute! Happy birthday and well done for being such a good sport about sharing your age with the world!
Cant wait to hear more about food network!
It is gorgeous -- I hope your 38th was fun and that you two have a wonderful week!
Love it! Very funky. Happy Birthday and all the best for fabulous year ahead.
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