It felt GREAT to get the news, at the end of an 11-hour day with a five minute break for lunch, we are proud to announce that Rick's "Discover Your Inner Artist" class at Icing Inspirations in Ontario, Canada is now SOLD OUT! If you've been eyeing the class, please don't cry in your buttercream. There is always room for more! Icing Inspirations has started a wait list and they are happy to put your name on it. info@icinginspirations.ca We are so excited to come to Canada and Rick is looking forward to meeting his students! Thank you to everyone who has supported us whether you are taking the class or have congratulated Rick but cannot attend, we truly appreciate all the kind words you have left for us!
Our other big news comes in the form of a brand spanking new blog, thanks to Jessica at The Frilly Coconut. What a great gal she is and really captured the fun, swanky style of cakelava. We adore our new blog and hope you do too!
Love the new design - congrats!
Love the new blog design - congrats!
Thank you, Anne! We love it too :)
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