cake topper by Beeloverly on Etsy
With the release of Zombieland and Halloween right around the corner we thought it was a good time to share some of our favorite zombie cake toppers. Like our previous post on cake toppers, this is meant to put a smile on your face, and for some of you, perhaps, open up your pocketbook. We didn't realize how much of a market existed for zombie cake toppers until we started looking at them. The majority of the toppers were found on Etsy, the site of handmade just-about-anything. Check out our ghoulish discoveries below.
In no order of morbid preference ...

cake topper by Etsy user BearEatsBunny
One of our all time favorites! It reminds me of Day of the Dead figures gone horribly awry. Before you get too excited about the custom zombie cake topper shown above, you should know that all versions are sold out on Etsy.

cake topper by Etsy user loopyboopy
If your taste is more of the alien goth zombie cake topper variety and are willing to fork over 100 clams, look no further than Etsy user loopyboopy. The bride's hair is made out of lambswool and the glass eyes add another level of creepiness. There is something lonely and adorable about these two.

cake topper by Etsy user morbidcreations1
One of the darkest in our collection of photos, this cake topper is called "DELUXE DAY OF THE DEAD BRIDE AND GROOM WEDDING CAKE TOPPER Black and Lime Green spiderweb ROSARY design". There isn't much I can add to that.

Looks like the birds had their way with this unfortunate bride and groom. The pastel flowers on the pillars make the scene even creepier.

We found this one on Flickr and couldn't pass it up. Who says you can't bring in a little zombie love into your tower of cupcakes? The topper is awesome, but we would have liked to see a little more "blood" splattered on the vanilla cupcakes. The lace doilies are a nice touch.

cake topper by Etsy user splendorlocity
We haven't seen a better representation of a bondage goth zombie cake topper than this one. Clearly meant for a Halloween wedding, this couple is perfectly color coordinated and the skulls and spiders are included in the price.

Another creation by Etsy user splendorlocity. This topper is called "DJ Zombie Sir Mix Alot Goth Halloween Wedding Cake Topper-DJ Dead Ghost-Red." For those DJ's and music aficionados out there, this zombie topper is for you! "Just Married" sign included at no charge! Does anyone have an idea what the bride is holding on her arm?

The Bride of Chucky wedding cake topper. What more could you want?

Lastly, one of our favorites in the bunch, by Etsy user BellaSmiles who also makes jewelry and other vintage items. Even if they are covered in blood and cuts all over them, there's an innocence about this gruesome twosome. They are, dare we say, cute!
Aloha, til next time!
I LOVE THESE!!!!! If only I could get married again just to have these on my cake. :P
The DJ Zombie bride appears to be holding a demon head and just as a point, the bride and groom with the bird? Yeah, I don't think that the birds had their way with the couple - I think the couple bit the head off of the right-hand bird! Look closely at what (at first glance) appears to be the bride's "dress" and it actually seems to be a second dove that is sans head and covered in blood!
Too cool. :)
Thank you both for your comments. Amilianna, you are so right. I think the couple did bite the head off the bird. Glad you enjoyed! We have more in our collection. Do you want to see more?
Fantastic. Thanks for posting these!
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