A little over a week ago, our clients Natalie and Justin flew in from Kodiak, Alaska to kick-off the start of their wedding week with their friends and family. The last couple weeks we've had a mild case of Alaska Fever -- Sarah Palin, Senator Ted Stevens, America's Toughest Jobs (which we occasionally watch), and Natalie and Justin. Unlike the frenzy surrounding the politicians in Alaska, Natalie and Justin are pure genuine Alaska Gold as far as we're concerned. I'll explain. Shortly after arriving on Oahu, Natalie, Justin and her mother came to our studio for their cake tasting. We were tightly booked that day and seemed to go from one event to another. The day felt hectic, but once we started talking to the three of them, we felt instantly at ease and ended up exchanging stories for a while. Before they left, they had gifted us with a small can of Alaskan salmon, which Justin had caught and canned. We were touched by the gesture and Justin explained there was more where that came from. He told us that they had brought over a bunch of frozen Alaskan fish that he had caught and he would have some waiting for us in a cooler when we arrived to deliver their wedding and groom's cakes. It was a strange concept really, drop off cakes, pick up fish, but it sounded great to us! Last week, we delivered two awesome cakes to the couple, one being their wedding cake, and I will wait for their photographers Stefanie and Anna Riedel's photos to reveal that one, and this super cool ATV groom's cake for Justin.
After we carefully placed their 2 cakes on their designated tables, we saw a cooler marked for 'Rick and Sasha' and opened it to reveal fish galore. Beautiful black cod, white salmon, and more salmon of the traditional orange/pink color. There aren't enough nights in the week to finish all the fish. I cooked the black cod one night and boy, was it delicious, and a couple nights later, one of the vacuum packs of the salmon. We have plans with a friend to take one of the larger packs over for a BBQ. We've been tipped before, and occasionally receive gifts, but this was a really special gift. Flown over all the way from Alaska to share, Rick and I are were practically speechless and want to express our gratitude to the couple. Natalie and Justin, have an amazing life together. We will never forget you!
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